Where to go after FCP 7 Webinar

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Last week Apple released FCP X and as you already know, it is dramatically different than Final Cut Pro 7. Today, if you're cutting on Final Cut Pro, there is a looming reality that at some point in the not-so-distant future your facility will be forced to implement a new NLE. It might be FCP X, Media Composer, or Premiere; but any way you look at it, it's a new NLE.

So to get prepared for your not-so-distant decision, you should consider how this will impact your business.

  • What NLE and 3rd Party products will support my workflow?
  • What NLE and ecosystem will provide the right level of multi-editor collaboration?
  • What is the cost for hardware and software?
  • How much time and effort will it take to transition?
  • What are the Pros/Cons and benefits of each?

ProMAX is presenting a 3 part Webinar series in July, focusing on these specific questions.

  • July 14th @ 10am pst - Switching from Final Cut Pro 7 to Adobe: Cost, Infrastructure Changes, Collaboration & Benefits
  • July 21st @ 10am pst - Switching from Final Cut Pro 7 to Avid: Cost, Infrastructure Changes, Collaboration & Benefits
  • July 28th @ 10am pst - Switching from Final Cut Pro 7 to FCP X:Cost Infrastructure Changes, Collaboration & Benefits

If you don't have the time to go through the webinar series and want answers now, please contact us for a private workflow consultation.

We look forward to helping you make the best decision for your business!


Anonymous said...

Is there anywhere online where I can see this webinar?

Ali Ahmadi said...

Yes please visit: